seamless engraving - перевод на русский
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seamless engraving - перевод на русский

Engraver; Copper engraver; Copper engraving; Engrave; Metal-engraving; Copper-engraving; Engravings; Engraved; Hand engraving; Engrav'd; Bright-Cut; Engravers; Engraves; Chalcography; Modern engraving; Chalcographic; Metal engraving; Engraving and engravings
  • Stone engraving
  • [[Ars moriendi]] engraving by Master ES, circa 1450
  • Gérard Audran after Charles LeBrun, ''Alexander Entering Babylon'', original print first published 1675, engraving
  • satirical]] [[etching]] by [[George Cruikshank]], showing hypothetical battle between the engravers, including [[William Hogarth]], [[Antoine Masson]], [[William Woollett]], [[Jean-Joseph Balechou]], [[Albrecht Dürer]] and [[Marcantonio Raimondi]].
  • [[Buffalo nickel]]s, coins customised with engraving tools
  • Artist and engraver [[Chaim Goldberg]] at work
  • Hand engraving tool
  • Don Quixote engraving by [[Paul Gustave Doré]]
  • Modern impression of Rembrandt's 1639 self-portrait, with the engraving plate.
  • ''St Michael Slaying the Dragon'', 1584, [[Hieronymus Wierix]]

seamless engraving      
гравирование цилиндров глубокой печати с получением непрерывного изображения
hand engraving         
ручное гравирование


(engraves, engraving, engraved)
If you engrave something with a design or words, or if you engrave a design or words on it, you cut the design or words into its surface.
Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost...
Harrods will also engrave your child's name on the side...
I'm having 'John Law' engraved on the cap.
...a bottle engraved with her name.
VERB: be V-ed with n, V n on/in n, have n V-ed prep, V-ed



Engraving is the practice of incising a design onto a hard, usually flat surface by cutting grooves into it with a burin. The result may be a decorated object in itself, as when silver, gold, steel, or glass are engraved, or may provide an intaglio printing plate, of copper or another metal, for printing images on paper as prints or illustrations; these images are also called "engravings". Engraving is one of the oldest and most important techniques in printmaking.

Wood engraving is a form of relief printing and is not covered in this article, same with rock engravings like petroglyphs.

Engraving was a historically important method of producing images on paper in artistic printmaking, in mapmaking, and also for commercial reproductions and illustrations for books and magazines. It has long been replaced by various photographic processes in its commercial applications and, partly because of the difficulty of learning the technique, is much less common in printmaking, where it has been largely replaced by etching and other techniques.

"Engraving" is also loosely but incorrectly used for any old black and white print; it requires a degree of expertise to distinguish engravings from prints using other techniques such as etching in particular, but also mezzotint and other techniques. Many old master prints also combine techniques on the same plate, further confusing matters. Line engraving and steel engraving cover use for reproductive prints, illustrations in books and magazines, and similar uses, mostly in the 19th century, and often not actually using engraving. Traditional engraving, by burin or with the use of machines, continues to be practised by goldsmiths, glass engravers, gunsmiths and others, while modern industrial techniques such as photoengraving and laser engraving have many important applications. Engraved gems were an important art in the ancient world, revived at the Renaissance, although the term traditionally covers relief as well as intaglio carvings, and is essentially a branch of sculpture rather than engraving, as drills were the usual tools.

Как переводится seamless engraving на Русский язык